Brokerage Invoice Style:

  • Choose an invoice style from the available choices.
    • Standard Invoice: Rates in the upper-left. Stops in the center.
    • Standard French/English: Standard Invoice with both French and English.
    • Fancy Invoice: Rates in the center. Stops on the bottom.
    • Streamlined: For custom use.
  • "Fancy Invoice" is required if you wish to include "Remit To" information or certain invoice customizations.

Brokerage Logo:

  1. Current Brokerage Invoice Logo: Enter the path to your Trucking logo here. File type must be .BMP (bitmap) only.
  2. Change Brk Logo (Button): Click to browse to your desired .BMP logo file.
  3. Bitmap Dimensions (Button): Click to adjust the height/width of your logo when displayed.
    • If your logo appears squashed or stretched on your invoices, you will need to adjust the display values here (in inches.)
  4. Clear Logo (Button): Click to remove logo path information.

Dimensions in Inches

Brokerage Custom Invoice:

  1. Path to CUSTOM Trucking Invoice: Set the path to a custom invoice, either by typing it in manually or by browsing to it using the "..." button.
  2. Clear Path (Button): Click to remove custom invoice path information.
  3. Design BRK Invoice(**fancy only): Create your own customized invoice using FastReport.


  1. Require Carrier to Invoice: When enabled, loads without carriers assigned will not be able to be invoiced.
  2. Print Barcode (Fancy Invoice ONLY): Includes a barcode on your invoice.
  3. Brokerage Accounting Email address: Enter the email address that you want your customers to use to contact with invoice questions.

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