We strongly recommend using AVG Free; this software works well with Dr Dispatch and rarely causes issues.

Other software packages such as Avast, Malwarebytes, Trend Micro, McAfee and Norton can cause performance issues with programs that operate on server--> client systems. 

If you must use one of the above packages, then please remember that you, or your IT, are responsible for adding the required firewall exceptions for DRD and nxserver.exe in each of your security programs for proper functionality in DRD.

NOTE: Subscription based security, such as McAffee, is required to be uninstalled should you allow your subscription with their service to lapse/expire. Keeping expired/disabled security programs installed has a high likelihood of creating problems that prevent proper operation of DRD. 

To install AVG Free, please follow the directions in this link: http://free.avg.com/us-en/homepage