Included in this article are the additional steps required by Google in order to allow DRD Email Export Integration to function. 

  • Please refer to Email Setup for our article about general email setup.

In order to integrate with your Gmail account, Google requires users to enable access to your account by "Less Secure Apps". You can do so by enabling the setting found here:

  • You will need to sign in to your Google account when prompted if not already logged in.
  • In this case, "Less Secure Apps" means any program that was not made by Google itself.

After enabling the above setting, go to the System > Settings > Email Setup menu in DRD and click the "Test Settings" button to send yourself an email.

  • If the test is successful, then your email setup is complete.
  • If the test fails, then you will also need to go to and click the "Continue" button to register your device to your Google account.