Adding new Drivers and editing existing Drivers is a simple process.
- To add a Driver, start by clicking the "New Driver" button.
- To edit an existing Driver, double-click their entry in the list.
Add/Edit Driver screen:
Driver Info and Compliance Info:
- Enter all applicable personal information for the Driver here.
Misc. Options:
- "Active" checkbox: Uncheck this to mark a Driver as inactive.
- 1099 Eligible: Check this box to mark the Driver to receive a 1099 at the end of the year instead of a W-2.
- Fuel Card #: Enter the number of an assigned Fuel Card here.
- Required for our Fuel Tax program to properly track Driver advances for fuel expenses.
Pay Info:
Driver Type: MUST be selected!
- Company: A W2 employee who works for you.
- Fleetown: This Driver works for someone else who owns more than one truck. Paychecks will be made out to the Fleetowner, not the Driver.
- OwnerOp: Contracted Owner/Operator. May receive a 1099 instead of a W2 at the end of the year.
- Fleetown (dropdown menu):
- Fleetowner: If the Driver Type is Fleetown, then you MUST select a Fleetowner from this dropdown menu.
Pay Type:
- Company/OwnerOp:
- Percent: Enter a whole number percent. (EX: 75 = 75%)
- Mileage: Enter pay per mile for Loaded and Empty.
- Flat: Enter a flat rate paid per load.
- Weight: Enter pay per ton.
- Hourly: Enter pay per hour.
- Template: Select a Pay Template from the dropdown menu.
- Stop Pay: Pay per stop in dollars, not percent.
- Pay Fuel: Pays the entire Fuel Surcharge if checked.
- Per Diem: Tax-free portion of a Driver's wages (advanced users.)
- Free DH Miles: The number of deadhead miles that the Driver is NOT paid for, out of the Deadhead miles entered on the Dispatch screen.
Important Notes:
- Driver Type MUST be selected!
- Company->requires nothing special. probably gets a W2 at end of year(taxable wages)
- Fleetowner -> This driver works for a person that owns more then one truck. The paycheck will be made out to the Fleetowner, not the driver. (You MUST choose from the dropdown list.)
- OWNEROP- -> contractor that gets a 1099 at end of year. make SURE you CHECK '1099' box!!
- FUEL CARD -> required to use fuel import and apply ADVANCES to drv pay system. this is how we know which drv to chg for advance/fuel
- PAY TYPE -> this is IMPORTANT. hoe do you pay the drv? percent, miles, FLAT(you tell it how much each load)
- make use you use a DECIMAL point in the pay amount (.92)= .92% or .92 per mile
- STOP pay is dollars per stop, not a percent (see TEMPLATE pay)
- PAY FUEL ->pays OO all the fuel surcharge if checked. if you need something more flexible->see TEMPLATE pay
- Per diem->tax free part of a drvs wage (advanced users)
- FREE DH MILES-. is number if miles the drv is NOT paid for, if listed as DeadHead miles on dispatch screen.
- SAVE the data once entered