Note: This tutorial covers ONLY "client" computers, which would include any computers that are not the server or store the data for your company.

Video Instructions

This video explains how to install Dr Dispatch on a new computer or re-install it onto an existing one. We recommend you watch the video in its entirety in order to accomplish this task.

If you prefer written instructions, follow the steps below:


  1. Download Dr Dispatch Free Trial to the computer that needs Dr Dispatch.

  2. Follow the installation process for the Dr Dispatch Free Trial. At one point during installation, the installer will ask if you wish to install the Free Trial as a server or client. Make sure that Client is selected.

  3. After installation, Dr Dispatch will automatically open. If you don't see the program after a few seconds, manually open the Dr Dispatch program.

    Note: If you get errors after the Dr Dispatch program opens, it normally means the version of Dr Dispatch that you just installed does not match the version currently used in your office. Follow these instructions to get the version of Dr Dispatch on this computer to match the version currently used in your office:

    a. Close out of Dr Dispatch and go to a different computer with a working Dr Dispatch program.
    b. Close out of the working Dr Dispatch on this machine as well, and browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\DrDispatch 5\
    c. Copy DrDisp.exe to a thumb drive or external hard drive.
    d. Safely eject the thumb drive or external hard drive and relocate it to the computer that has the different version of Dr Dispatch.
    e. Copy DrDisp.exe from the external device and paste it in the Dr Dispatch directory, normally located at C:\Program Files (x86)\DrDispatch 5\
    f. Open Dr Dispatch and verify that it works.

  4. You may see a server-select window. Click on your data server's IP address on the left, then click on the name of your database on the right (default: drd5)

    Note: If you have more than one IP address listed and are unsure of which address to use, go to a computer that has Dr Dispatch running and look at the title bar. You will see the title bar says "NexusDB4[a list of numbers]. The numbers following "NexusDB@" tell you the IP address to use.

  5. Click on "Okay". Dr Dispatch will open.

  6. Make sure Dr Dispatch's license on this machine is activated. You can do this by going to Help and then About. Here, it will tell you if a license is registered or unregistered. If your license is unregistered, close out of the About Dr Dispatch window. Then go back to Help and then select Activate License. Follow the instructions to enter in your license ID and password.

    Note: If you do not know your license ID and/or password, email You must include in the email your company name and a request for a license ID and/or password.

Having trouble? Email for help.