Note: You should only have to do this on one computer that uses QuickBooks integration. Once the change is made, all other users can simply exit/restart Dr. Dispatch.
This is most commonly encountered after upgrading to a newer version of Dr Dispatch or QuickBooks.
To change the stored location of the path (location) of your QuickBooks company file in Dr. Dispatch:
* Open up your QuickBooks company file you want to export to - be sure to open it from the shared network folder where the file is located if you have more than one QuickBooks user.
* Navigate to Dr. Dispatch-->System-->Setup-->QuickBooks Setup
* Ensure that you have the correct tab selected - Trucking, Brokerage or Use Both
* Press the 'Use Currently Open File' button
* Do not use the Test Connection option - please proceed to Tab 2: Manage Accounts
* Finish tabbing through the remaining screens and close the setup screen upon completion