There are a couple of things you can do to customize the Stops Grid at the bottom of the Dispatch screen, like re-arrange the order of the columns and rename a FEW of the columns.  First, in the upper left hand portion of the screen, go to System> Settings and either Brokerage or Trucking Preferences and make sure 'Save Grid Settings is Unchecked

you can rearrange the order of all of the columns by simply placing the cursor on the column heading in the stop grid at the bottom of the page and left-click and drag to the new position. When you are finished, go back to the Preferences noted above and place a check in 'Save Grid Settings', then restart DRD. This customization can be different on each PC using DRD on the network. 

You are also able to rename FOUR of the columns: Pickup#, Pallets, Cases and Description in both Trucking and Brokerage.  Again, go to System> Settings and either User Defined Rate Stop Columns (brok) or User Defined Rate Stop Columns (Trk) .... I'll show Brokerage (brk)

At the bottom, put at check in 'Use custom STOP Labels (brk), then type in the new column descriptions you want to use ( in this case , I'm changing Pickup # to Seal #, Cases to Pcs, etc. When finished, click SAVE, close and reopen DRD... it's that simple!....... Follow the same procedure for Trucking