Included in this article are the additional steps required by Yahoo Small Business in order to allow DRD Email Export Integration to function. 

  • Please refer to Email Setup for our article about general email setup. These instructions must be followed before email integration will function.

Yahoo Small Business

In order to integrate with your Yahoo Small Business account, Yahoo requires users to enable access to your account by creating and using an "App Password". You can do so by going to this link, then following the instructions below: Go to your Yahoo Small Business" Account Security settings.

  1. Click the link for "Manage App Passwords".
  2. In the "App Passwords" box, click where it says "Select your app", then browse to Dr Dispatch.
  3. Click the "Generate" button.

  4. Click the "Click to Copy" button to copy the new password to your clipboard. 
    • We strongly recommend that you record and keep track of this password somewhere permanent. 

Dr Dispatch

  1. In DRD, go to the System > Settings > Email Setup menu.
  2. Paste the new "App Password" into you logon credentials at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Click the "Test Settings" button to send yourself an email to verify that setup was successful.